The City of Miami Beach, Florida, is trying to evict Mr. Clucky.
Mr. Clucky is a rooster that rides around town on the
handlebars of Mark Buckley's bicycle.
That's not the only thing that makes Mr. Clucky unique among roosters - he's also quite the activist. He was voted "Activist of the Year" in 2008, after participating in the "Walk for the Farm Animals," Critical Mass, EarthSave, the KFC Chicken Protest, and serving as Grand Marshal in the King Mango Strut parade. (Wow! Busy rooster!)
Unfortunately, Mr. Clucky is similar to other roosters in his propensity to start crowing at 6am, so Miami Beach is trying to run him out of town using the "keeping a farm animal" ordinance.
News story HERE.
Mr. Clucky's website HERE.
Mr. Clucky is a rooster that rides around town on the

That's not the only thing that makes Mr. Clucky unique among roosters - he's also quite the activist. He was voted "Activist of the Year" in 2008, after participating in the "Walk for the Farm Animals," Critical Mass, EarthSave, the KFC Chicken Protest, and serving as Grand Marshal in the King Mango Strut parade. (Wow! Busy rooster!)
Unfortunately, Mr. Clucky is similar to other roosters in his propensity to start crowing at 6am, so Miami Beach is trying to run him out of town using the "keeping a farm animal" ordinance.
News story HERE.
Mr. Clucky's website HERE.
The anti-chicken cabal is strong in the big cities.
I kicked a rooster out of one big town. 6am is putting nicely. Sometimes 4am, 5am, 6am, 7am all in one night!!! Many of us do have jobs. Get a mess of hens instead. They're pretty friendly.
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