I'm sure her ability and/or reaction time weren't affected in any way. (/sarcasm)
You may recall that a few months back, Washington passed a law banning text-messaging while driving. Apparently 21 other states are considering similar legislation.
To me, that seems absurd. Like passing a law saying you can't drop a bowling ball off a skyscraper, or you can't bring your pet wolverine to City Council Meeting. Do you need to make something so obviously hazardous, not only to the perpetrator but to bystanders, a crime?
I enjoy Jay Leno's "Headlines."

The question was, "Should using a cell phone while driving be made illegal?"
Here's Mariel's response:

How about a separate lane for all those that want to use the phone or text, or put on make-up or whatever else they do to distract themselves while driving...
That way they'll be more likely to just wipe out other equally distracted drivers.
Sort of like running a skimmer through the gene pool.
Great idea, marrock... but it needs a big "Jersey barrier" to keep 'em from straying into the paying-attention-to-driving lanes!
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