These photos were taken maybe 2 minutes apart, and late in the afternoon, when visibility starts becoming a major factor. I rode half a block up the road, and my wife snapped away.
In the first one, I'm wearing a black T-shirt. In the second one, I've thrown on the vest. Judge for yourself how much, if any, difference it makes. (Click on photos for a larger view, should you feel so inclined.)

Pretty amazing difference. I am wearing my yellow jacket in the morinings, but don't think I could handle extra on when it is 100 plus
Clancy, since the vest is a polyester MESH material, it's had less of an impact than I was afraid it might.
I've worn it on 90-plus-degree days. We'll see how I feel after a full summer. (I guess I could wear it without a shirt underneath - "wife beater" style... hahahaha!)
Hmmm.....Dunno if I could do that either. I probably will figure something out for the warm weather come next spring.
I want a helmet with those colors.
In other news, I finally got a roadbike. Desc and pics:
I'm actually thinking of mounting a Yellow Strobe on my Bike Rack. The power supply is the only conundrum...
Picayune, this is a good option for a strobe light which takes AA batteries. You also might want to consider the Planet Bike Superflash. You can see them at REI. They are quite bright.
Nice build on that, Clancy. Didn't know you were playing at BBP. Wish I could spend some time down there.
BBP has been fun. I mostly have volunteered there. Usually every Wed. night 6-8. I will be there tonight
bob t is going to make me safe yet!
I ordered TWO of those AA-battery strobes. We'll see how they work out.
Check out - they have amber, red, and blue on clearance for $12.99 plus a few bucks shipping. (At the website, click on Clearance, then on Lighting.)
Thanks, bob t! You da (safety) man!
You're welcome, Bikeboy.
I used to have a clear strobe in front and an amber in back. They held up well and were very visible at night.
To be noticed in daylight I think the best "bang for the buck" is currently this light which uses this mount (in addition to the tail light mentioned above).
bob t - now dang it, you've apparently discovered that I'm a "flashlight fetishist." I've got a box full o' flashlights - mostly small ones that I can take motorcycle camping or when I'm cycling. Payday's comin' up... I've bookmarked that website... sigh...
I have a P7 flashlight from DealExtreme. Cost is a little more but it lights up the night. Only problem is it takes a special size battery.
Safety vest are really very helpful for making you appear in dark conditions. They reflects light and color which confirms human presence at place.
Thank you very much for this useful article. I like it. safety vest
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