On Independence Day, throw off that yoke!
Most people equate their driving with freedom. And indeed, mobility expands one's horizons. But it's hardly free, particularly when it becomes involuntary - your only choice in getting around.
You are a slave to Big Oil. Like a crack addict, willing to pay whatever they decide to charge for your "fix." (And if you want to further complicate things... your addiction makes this great nation of ours more dependent on foreign terrorist oil.)
A slave to "Big Insurance." (They have you over a barrel, too.) To the bank, if they own the car you are driving. To the ebb and flow of traffic. You can hardly feel free when you're STOPPED on I-84, somewhere between Boise and Meridian.
(A side-note: It's interesting to observe kids when they get their driver's license. Most are anxious to have their own wheels. And many will willingly surrender a big chunk of their freedom in order to have a sweet ride with its accompanying expenses. How strange is it, to have a car to get to work... a job you have so you can pay for your car, that you never have time to drive except to and from work. Independence? Ha!)
"Independence and Self-Reliance" was #5 on my "Why Bicycle?" Top Ten list. (Click HERE to review.)
Most people equate their driving with freedom. And indeed, mobility expands one's horizons. But it's hardly free, particularly when it becomes involuntary - your only choice in getting around.
You are a slave to Big Oil. Like a crack addict, willing to pay whatever they decide to charge for your "fix." (And if you want to further complicate things... your addiction makes this great nation of ours more dependent on foreign terrorist oil.)
A slave to "Big Insurance." (They have you over a barrel, too.) To the bank, if they own the car you are driving. To the ebb and flow of traffic. You can hardly feel free when you're STOPPED on I-84, somewhere between Boise and Meridian.
(A side-note: It's interesting to observe kids when they get their driver's license. Most are anxious to have their own wheels. And many will willingly surrender a big chunk of their freedom in order to have a sweet ride with its accompanying expenses. How strange is it, to have a car to get to work... a job you have so you can pay for your car, that you never have time to drive except to and from work. Independence? Ha!)
"Independence and Self-Reliance" was #5 on my "Why Bicycle?" Top Ten list. (Click HERE to review.)
This July 4th, let freedom ring! Do something truly patriotic. Go for a bike ride. (I'd suggest in the morning, while the temperature is still cool, if you're not used to riding in 100-degree heat.) And declare your independence from your car. Maybe just one or two days a week to begin with... but slowly severing those ties until driving is just one option you are free to choose.
My plan for the family is to ride our bikes downtown for the parade. Two kids on the Xtracycle and trailer in tow. Trailer will have blankets and picnic(cooler) in it. Then over to Ann Morrison park for a late dinner and fireworks. On the way home cooler strapped to the Xtracycle and kids in the trailer hopefully to sleep on the way home.
All while avoiding the horrendous traffic after the fireworks.
Great plan, Clancy! Take the side streets and watch out for crazy drivers trying to defy the laws of physics (after the fireworks)!
If I can convince 'em, we'll ride over to the rim above Ann Morrison to watch the fireworks... some of the family bikes will need air in the tires, minimum. Hopefully not too much more than that. (It's frustrating to go to air up the tires for another annual bike ride, and discover the tires are crumbling away from disuse.)
I feel your pain....last time I took a group bike ride, the inexperience riders found goat head city. Luckly, REI had free flat fixes at the park during Tour de Fat.
Have Fun
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