Saturday, February 8, 2020

Nature (bike) hike

A warmer-than-usual day afforded me an opportunity to bicycle downstream once again, along the Greenbelt on the south side of the Boise River, and then upstream on the north side.  Some of the sights I observed:

Once you get out of the heavily-populated river banks, you start seeing more bird nesting areas.  I always enjoy seeing these comorant nests...

When I was snapping these photos, a nice lady out walking her dogs gave me a heads-up about some blue heron nesting activity a little farther downstream...

On the way back, due to some inspiration I received from a photo posted on social media, I thought it would be fun to try some macro photography of moss.  Usually I just ride on by, but even the tiniest slice of nature can be strikingly beautiful.  Below are two close-up photos of "moss canyons," each followed by a farther-away photo that includes the close-up scene...

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