Five minutes can be attributed to the winter conditions. The rest can be attributed to multiple "Kodak Moments" along the way. It was so beautiful out there!
- Today is a "catastrophic snow day" in these parts. Many people stayed home on account of the road conditions. The schools are all closed. The garbage truck came down my street this morning, and was getting stuck at every stop. (Pathetic! There's maybe 8 inches out there. The folks in Chicago or Minneapolis or Salt Lake City would mock our wimpiness!)
- I've surrendered the skinny-tire bike, and have relied on the old faithful fat-tire workhorse for the past week or so.
- Our Parks and Recreation folks are doing a fantastic job of keeping the Greenbelt bike path in usable condition.
- It's VERY unusual in these parts, particularly in November, to have snow on the ground for such a long stretch. I imagine it'll be gone by the weekend; warmer temperatures are predicted.

This one's for the Christmas card!

Another rider, Tom, came by and offered to push the button. Nice!

(That HI-VIZ is pretty sweet, huh?)

I think it is pretty amazing the Greenbelt is the only plowing done by the local government.
Riding was okay on the packed streets.
Yeah, the last couple years they've kept the Greenbelt in great shape! Hats off to 'em! (I must assume they have park employees who can't mow lawns or rake leaves on days like this, so they take to the snowplows.)
Be-ew-ti-ful! Thanks for sharing those photos. I'd use any one of them for my Christmas card, except they all have an empty bike sitting in the middle of 'em. :)
Thanks Steve. It's great to see Boise and the greenbelt in such splendor!
While riding to work this morning I saw an alternative sentencing crew on the Maple Grove overpass clearing the sidewalks of snow. They've done this several times during the past week. I wish that more homeowners (as well as businesses) were as diligent in keeping their sidewalks cleared.
It is very nice to hear that people are appreciative of the work we do on the Greenbelt. I have been plowing the Northside of the Greenbelt for three years now and very rarely encounter a thankful person. On behalf of the Parks Department thanks for sharing your kind words.
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