The New Belgium Tour de Fat will be passing through Boise this Saturday, August 22.
Unfortunately, I've not attended one in the past due to other commitments. But I hope to check it out this year. (I remember that last year, one lucky participant was given a sweet new bike, in exchange for taking a pledge that he would park his car and use the bike for his exclusive transportation. I would dearly love to hear how it
went for him, and if he's stuck to the pledge.)
For those not familiar, I get the impression that Tour de Fat is kind of like a cross between a bike celebration and a Grateful Dead concert. (Is that accurate?) There is a spirit of festivity in the air. New Belgium commercial products flow freely, I imagine. (Hopefully all participants ride responsibly, regardless! A party is no excuse for operating-while-impaired.)
The Tour is also a fund raiser. In Boise, it benefits the SWIMBA (Mountain Biking) and the TVCA (Cycling Alliance). It tentatively goes from 9am to 4pm. Much more info HERE.
I particularly like the "Ten Commandments of Tour de Fat":
1. Put no means of transport before thy bike
2. Honor all other bikes: All bikes are good bikes, and all those who ride them are good people.
3. May every generation come forth: This is a family friendly event...
4. Thou shall come as a participant not a spectator
5. Thou shalt not bring booze; But enjoy the supplied malted adult refreshments responsibly...
6. New Belgium shalt not profit
7. Remember the purpose, and bring not your pooches
8. Keep the day true with thy good juju: (The ride is free, but we suggest a $5 donation to the good bike advocates who are putting it on for you...)
9. Thou shall rise early: Since Tour de Fat is a free show, we sometimes get more folks than we can accommodate. Once we're full, we will handle overflow like a restaurant or bar: one in, one out...
10. Thou shalt not steal thy neighbors' bike: Don't even think of leaving with a bike that doesn't belong to you. Modern-day horse thieves will be dealt with by angry mob, pitchforks, and torches.
Unfortunately, I've not attended one in the past due to other commitments. But I hope to check it out this year. (I remember that last year, one lucky participant was given a sweet new bike, in exchange for taking a pledge that he would park his car and use the bike for his exclusive transportation. I would dearly love to hear how it

For those not familiar, I get the impression that Tour de Fat is kind of like a cross between a bike celebration and a Grateful Dead concert. (Is that accurate?) There is a spirit of festivity in the air. New Belgium commercial products flow freely, I imagine. (Hopefully all participants ride responsibly, regardless! A party is no excuse for operating-while-impaired.)
The Tour is also a fund raiser. In Boise, it benefits the SWIMBA (Mountain Biking) and the TVCA (Cycling Alliance). It tentatively goes from 9am to 4pm. Much more info HERE.
I particularly like the "Ten Commandments of Tour de Fat":
1. Put no means of transport before thy bike
2. Honor all other bikes: All bikes are good bikes, and all those who ride them are good people.
3. May every generation come forth: This is a family friendly event...
4. Thou shall come as a participant not a spectator
5. Thou shalt not bring booze; But enjoy the supplied malted adult refreshments responsibly...
6. New Belgium shalt not profit
7. Remember the purpose, and bring not your pooches
8. Keep the day true with thy good juju: (The ride is free, but we suggest a $5 donation to the good bike advocates who are putting it on for you...)
9. Thou shall rise early: Since Tour de Fat is a free show, we sometimes get more folks than we can accommodate. Once we're full, we will handle overflow like a restaurant or bar: one in, one out...
10. Thou shalt not steal thy neighbors' bike: Don't even think of leaving with a bike that doesn't belong to you. Modern-day horse thieves will be dealt with by angry mob, pitchforks, and torches.
I'm going this year, pretty excited. They are giving away a cruiser to someone who gives up their car this year too, and at every stop.
Hi, Seth. Good to hear from you.
Evidently a gal named Lisa has already been selected to trade car-for-bike.
More HERE.
She sounds like she's up to the challenge.
Lots of fun. I would add part Vaudville show too. I will be there as usual.
This afternoon we are doing the "Bogus Bomb Run". Vehicle ride to the parking lot at the lodge, then a easy coast down. About half of us will be riding on cruisers- single speed coasterbrakes. These hubs tend to get hot on long downhills.
Clancy - I did a "Bogus Bomb" run once - WAY back when. (It was probably 1972 - my mother drove me and some friends up; we "coasted" back down.)
Actually twice... a couple summers ago I summoned all the intestinal fortitude in my being and rode up. Of course, the reward was the coast back down! (It took me approx. 2 hours to ride up, far from the record which is about half that. The first 8 miles are WAY harder than the second half; I'm glad I didn't chicken out and turn back.)
If I get to the T de Fat, and I hope to, I'll be watching for you.
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